my work

I am a mathematician and software developer. I love how math can be used as a lens to understand the world and solve both silly daily conflicts and complex problems. I am loving to develop for the web and i am eager to learn more about it.


Senior Technology Development Analyst, 2019 - present

I first joined CNPEM as a young mathematician eager to apply algorithms and optimization techniques to solve real-world problems. In the meantime, i had contact with the web development world and i fell in love with it.

  • In 2019, i joined the Scientific Computing group at LNLS as an intern, working mainly on image processing and image reconstruction algorithms. Since i was a math student with few programming experience, i grew a lot in this period, learning a lot about Python, Cuda and optimization of algorithms.
  • In 2020, after graduating from college, i was hired as a full-time employee at the Scientific Computing group. I mainly kept working on image processing and reconstruction algorithms, but i also started to work on web development, porting some desktop applications to the web and pushing the group to adopt modern web technologies. Also, i started to focus on the best pratices of software development, enforcing better use of continuous integration and deployment, code reviews and documentation.
  • In 2023, in function of my ever-growing interest in web development and software engineering, i was transferred to the Control Software group to work on the state of the art web applications that control the accelerators and some processing web interfaces. My current goal is to enable the LNLS to adopt modern web technologies and best practices, hopefully making the web applications the stardards for the accelerators community.

Other Experiences

Teaching, 2018 - 2019

In my early years of college i was a bit lost and discouraged with staying in the academic world. So i focused on one of the things that i loved the most: teaching. I started to teach math and physics at some preparatory courses for college entrance exams. I loved to teach and i learned a lot as well. One day i hope to return to the teaching world, but now with a lot more experience and knowledge.